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Group Therapy

Our group therapy sessions are designed to connect our patients to the community and other people facing similar challenges. Hearing about the struggles of others in group therapy can help us see a new perspective. When dealing with a challenging situation, it can help to process it with others to decrease symptoms, gain insight, and brainstorm possible solutions.

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

— Carl Jung

What Is Group Therapy?

In group therapy, a group of patients meet regularly with a clinician to address a specific challenge, such as trauma, chronic pain, or substance use disorder, or to more generally work on social skills or deal with grief. Groups provide diverse perspectives and new ways of approaching problems, as well as accountability and support. Listening to other people share their struggles and remembering that you’re not alone can provide relief.

Our clinicians are trained to guide the psychotherapeutic process by providing appropriate boundaries and asking thought-provoking questions that encourage self-reflection. Our specialty groups provide specific therapeutic techniques to target your problems. Groups include education on psychological, social, and biological information and sometimes meet outside the office, on a beach or hiking trail.



Group therapy sessions meet once or twice a week for an hour. We focus our groups on a particular issue, such as trauma, chronic pain, or substance use. Our clinicians use effective techniques to address the group’s purpose and goal. We teach our members evidence-based techniques to decrease symptoms. Therapy groups also provide support, accountability, time to practice skills, and a safe place to be heard and validated. Group members can also provide understanding and empathy. The goal of group therapy is to promote connection to others experiencing similar difficulties and assist in your healing process.

We believe it is important to spend time being active outdoors to improve overall well-being and health. Taking group therapy out of the office to facilitate body movement and connection with nature offers a different approach to processing life’s challenges. During outdoor sessions, we conduct mindfulness training. In a present state of mind, patients can observe intrusive and distorted thought patterns, identify them, label them, and process them with the group.


Meeting weekly or biweekly for an hour at a time, with a group of patients and a clinician, helps you remember you’re not alone, provides accountability and new perspectives, and offers others’ support. Participating in a group focused on a specific challenge provides you with targeted ways to address your problems. You’ll learn evidence-based skills to deal with your symptoms and have time to practice. By spending time outdoors, you’ll learn new methods for approaching issues, like mindfulness meditation, yoga, and walking.

Hills offers specific therapy groups, including:

Women's Groups

This group focuses on processing women-specific issues in a safe and supportive environment.

Process Groups

Provides a safe, structured, supported space for people to share their thoughts and feelings, learn coping skills, develop communication skills, and practice new, healthy behaviors. Process group promotes the advancement of individual goals through shared connection, exploration, and support.

Trauma Process Groups

This group focuses on creating a safe space for people to share their experiences, express their thoughts and feelings, learn coping skills, gain support, and experience validation, to heal from trauma.

EMDR Group

Our EMDR group focuses on using the principles of EMDR in a group setting to help alleviate the symptoms of PTSD and trauma.

Yoga Informed Trauma Group

Our yoga informed trauma group modifies the practice of yoga to focus on how trauma impacts the body, mind, and spirit. Learn to use poses to regain control, connect to your body, and free yourself from symptoms.

Yoga Group for Chronic Pain Conditions

This group focuses on movements, mindfulness, and acceptance to help reduce pain, increase positive coping, and improve mood.

Walking Group for Trauma

Walking in nature as a group starts the healing process of the nervous system and calms the mind and body. Gain support in a healing environment to reduce symptoms.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group (ACT)

This group teaches mindfulness skills, cognitive skills, understanding of self, acceptance of self, and taking valued action for behavior and emotional changes. It uses experiential techniques, metaphors, and paradoxical interventions in a group setting. Practice skills in a group to become more flexible in your thinking and change your behaviors.

Mindfulness Group Therapy

Practice techniques of present moment awareness and explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Learn to let go of what no longer serves you through reflection and mindful observation. The science behind practicing in a group shows that our social centers in the brain are important aspects of our overall well-being. The group offers the opportunity to practice loving-kindness and compassion and harness self-love and acceptance. Our trauma informed mindfulness meditations help you to balance the brain, connect to your body, and free the mind of negative thoughts and feelings related to the trauma.

Mindfulness Group for Kids

At Hills, we incorporate the skills of mindfulness into a fun group. Kids learn to focus, let go of troublesome thoughts and feelings, and learn to cope with the ups and downs of the day. They also learn to cope with difficult feelings and decrease unhealthy behaviors. Working in a group also helps develop social skills.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Group

At Hills, during CBT group therapy, you will learn evidence-based techniques to change the thinking patterns that influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We target unhealthy behaviors that cause pain and suffering. Group members provide support and feedback. Working as a group helps support change.


Many of our services can be conducted via phone or video conference – all in compliance with HIPAA privacy standards.

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Contact us to schedule a free, 15-minute phone consultation to learn more and see if our integrative psychology services are right for you.

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