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Trauma and PTSD Therapy

Hills Neuroscience specializes in providing integrative therapies for people who have a history of trauma and PTSD. By combining brain, body, and mind interventions, we help you resolve symptoms related to emotional distress, thinking difficulties, social challenges, behavioral problems, and physical discomfort. Our goal is to restore health and wellness by empowering you through illuminating your resilience.

I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

— Carl Jung

What Is Trauma?

Trauma describes the emotional, physical, cognitive, and behavioral reactions to adverse life events. A traumatic event may be followed by a surge in stress and changes in the brain and body. When trauma is ongoing, rather than a single event, it is referred to as complex trauma. Trauma can have a devastating impact on your quality of life as it affects your entire system – brain, body, and mind.


  • An injury or accident
  • The death of a loved one
  • Abuse or mistreatment
  • Bullying or exclusion
  • Natural disasters
  • Spending time in a war zone
  • Captivity
  • Rape
  • Domestic violence
  • Being in foster care
  • Witnessing a violent act
  • Hearing about a traumatic situation
  • Adverse life events


  • Sudden emotional and behavioral changes
  • Re-experiencing the traumatic event
  • Struggling with social situations
  • Muscle tension, headaches, stomach aches, and other physical symptoms.

“I am a psychiatrist who specializes in trauma,  I also have a case of complex PTSD (trauma dating back to childhood) with dissociation (a maladaptive alteration in consciousness that makes PTSD more difficult to treat). The trauma has affected every system of my body. I had been in Cognitive Therapy for years but it didn't cure the trauma which contributed to me losing several jobs. Two months into the pandemic, due to some idiosyncratic personal circumstances, a lot of traumas came gushing out. I had to take a long leave of absence & eventually lost my job, although I have a good job now. After EMDR with Dr. Delli Colli, I have recovered from severe trauma and PTSD, I feel much better & very empowered.”

— Psychiatrist

What Is PTSD?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur in people who have experienced, witnessed, or learned about a traumatic event. PTSD affects approximately 3.5% of U.S adults, with a lifetime prevalence rate of 8.7%, and women are twice as likely as men to have PTSD. People with PTSD experience symptoms related to trauma for more than one month and experience significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or life functioning.


  • Intense, upsetting thoughts, feelings, and memories connected with the traumatic experience
  • Flashbacks or nightmares
  • Physiological and emotional distress when reminded of the trauma
  • Sadness, fear, shame, guilt, anger, or rage
  • Inability to remember all aspects of the event
  • Negative thoughts, such as “I’m not safe,” “It’s my fault,” or “I’m damaged.”
  • Feeling detached from other people and struggling with experiencing happy or loving feelings
  • Strong negative responses to things like loud noises or an accidental touch
  • Avoidance of situations or people that remind them of their traumatic experience
  • Some people suffer from pain symptoms, sleep problems, concentration difficulties, and self-destructive behaviors, such as drinking or drugs.


Our integrative trauma and PTSD therapy help to restore healthy brain function while also addressing your body and mind for a holistic approach.

Following a traumatic experience, the brain can become overly alert, looking for potential danger. This mechanism is meant to keep us safe. Still, when our brains are constantly on guard and our fight-or-flight nervous system is over-activated, they cause physical symptoms, behavioral issues, and emotional disturbance. In addition, the thalamus, the relay station for incoming information, may overreact to stimuli and leave us in a hyper-aroused state. Our memories may be stored inappropriately, with the events maladaptive processing, causing symptoms from the past to be triggered in the present.







Brain maps of some people with trauma history or PTSD reveal increased cortical excitation and/or decreased alpha frequency, which means they may be stuck in a hyper-aroused, alert state of mind and struggle to remain calm. Research using alpha-theta neurofeedback training with Vietnam veterans showed significantly decreased PTSD symptoms, physical complaints, depression, anxiety, and paranoia.

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Contact us to schedule a free, 15-minute phone consultation to learn more and see if our integrative psychology services are right for you.

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